Magical Moments That Inspired My Mermaid Treasure

Magical Moments That Inspired My Mermaid Treasure

Have you ever experienced a magical moment? One of those times when you pause, look around, and feel deeply that the world is truly extraordinary?

I cherish magical moments because they don’t just spark joy—they remind us that we are connected to something greater. They invite us to remain open to life’s surprises, which often arrive in the most unexpected and beautiful ways.

These moments of wonder and awe are the inspiration behind my new picture book, My Mermaid Treasure, and the Find Your Treasures - Mermaid Edition game. These treasures grew from memories of my own childhood and from special times shared with my young children.

I’d love to share some of these magical moments with you. I hope they inspire you to reflect on your own moments of magic! Let’s dive in! 🧜‍♀️

✨ Magical Moments That Inspired My Mermaid Treasure

🏖️ Childhood Adventures by the Rock Pools

As a child, my sister and I loved exploring the rock pools at the beach. We would search for “fairy castles” among the rocks—carved formations in the basalt with mossy curtains, tiny balconies, and waterfalls cascading into miniature swimming pools. We imagined that fairies would stay in these castles when they travelled to the beach at night to visit their mermaid friends. 

☕ Mermaid Tails in the Waves

When my daughter was young, we often sat at a café by the beach, sipping our coffee and babyccino while gazing out at the ocean. Whenever we caught a glimpse of sparkly tails in the waves, we’d call out to each other with excitement, convinced we had spotted mermaids swimming in the sea!

💜 Summer Mermaid Adventures

My daughter loves swimming with her mermaid tail, and summer afternoons often turned into magical adventures. We’d dive into the water together, imagining our shimmering, confetti-colored tails as we swam with dolphins, dove headfirst down waterfalls, and soared into huge backflips. At sunset, we’d imagine mermaids gathered on the beach to sing beneath the glowing full moon.

🐚 Discovering Mermaid Treasures

At our favourite beach down south, I take my son and daughter paddleboarding along the shore to a hidden cove we’ve named “Mermaid Island.” There, they swim to shore and search for mermaid treasures—seashells left behind by their mermaid friends!

🌕 A Magical Moonlit Moment

One evening, while watching the full moon rise in our backyard, I had an unexpected and unforgettable magical moment. I felt the warmth of the moon’s glow on my face—something I’d never experienced before. I closed my eyes and in the stillness, I heard the words, “I am Le Lune, I am Le Lune.” In my mind’s eye, I saw the image of a wise, loving Native American grandmother smiling at me.

Later, I learned that La Lune means “the moon” in French. Now, whenever my family sees the moon, we wave and call out, “Hello, Le Lune!” And on full moons, I make sure to step outside, look up, and have a chat with her.

These magical moments became the heart of My Mermaid Treasure. My hope is that this enchanting book will inspire children to believe in themselves and discover their own unique magic as they journey with the mermaids to unlock inner treasures and find their mermaid magic. 💎

What are some magical moments you’ve experienced? Take a moment to remember! ✨🧜‍♀️🐚

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